Great Class! An Overview of Problem Solving

That was a great class!! Thank you to everyone who was there, I so appreciate your commitment and your hard work. It is always amazing to me to watch actors transform. I don't know what truth you are going to connect to, my questions are there to help you connect to who you are, what you feel, and what sets your instrument in motion to communicate. 

I trust and I ask that when personal information is communicated that it stay in that room and never leaves it. If you ever don't want to answer a question, just say so. 

Moreover, you can answer any question by talking about your answer in gibberish or using the alphabet. I am not searching for the info itself, but for the truth of you, who you are and to what you connect, because it is infinitely more interesting to watch an actor work or audition when they bring their truth as a human being. Just like the playwrights do. 

Fear and anxiety, bad messages from childhood or teachers can cause tension and tension clearly inhibits expression and inhibits our connection to our own truth. 

The next payoff of our work is that 90% of human communication is found in behavior, not words. We serve text, commit to it and that service can be significantly impacted when we include our humanity. This means that when you are on camera and connect to your truth and to the piece, the images we see will communicate the truth of you as an artist and in connection to the piece. Behavior communicates. Likewise, lack of behavior communicates. Tension is obvious to all. How do get from here to there? How do you get past the tension that we know feels like crap? Practice relaxation. Make choices that have meaning. Write down those choices. I think of the questions I had you answer and write down in your journal. About who is important to you, what are you willing to fight for? It takes that willingness to fight sometimes to move past the tension, the fear. And give yourself something to do in your work. A task. Outer or inner. It can be an activity, it can be an objective, an action...a doing. The body, the instrument will get engaged if given a task to do. It knows how to do that and we do want to get engaged in the moment. 

This is about creativity, exploration, experiment, failure, do-overs, the whole shebang. It's nothing like school or perfectionism or shoulds or beating ourselves up. Find what works for you. Your technique and your process is what I love to watch and work with. All problems can be solved this way. Issues can be worked out this way. Separate your fear into 2 categories: healthy fear and unhealthy or toxic old crap bs. Once you get clear on that, fear can't always become so bossy. Anyone who ever criticized you or belittled your work or your worth has no idea what their doing, everyone's just trying to figure it all out. Find your truth for every piece you work on. Give yourself permission to be alive, fully alive. That's what I love about artists- playwrights, actors. painters, etc.  Find what works for you. 



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