
Showing posts from January, 2018

Great Class! An Overview of Problem Solving

That was a great class!! Thank you to everyone who was there, I so appreciate your commitment and your hard work. It is always amazing to me to watch actors transform. I don't know what truth you are going to connect to, my questions are there to help you connect to who you are, what you feel, and what sets your instrument in motion to communicate.  I trust and I ask that when personal information is communicated that it stay in that room and never leaves it. If you ever don't want to answer a question, just say so.  Moreover, you can answer any question by talking about your answer in gibberish or using the alphabet. I am not searching for the info itself, but for the truth of you , who you are and to what you connect, because it is infinitely more interesting to watch an actor work or audition when they bring their truth as a human being. Just like the playwrights do.  Fear and anxiety, bad messages from childhood or teachers can cause tension and tension ...