Actor Healing

When we act, we allow our bodies to experience emotions. How to take care of ourselves so that we stay in balance.

Hot bath with salts
Candles burning
Smudge sticks (take caution when smudging)
Chamomile tea
Sing hymns
Christopher Walken told me he like Gardening, Planting
Go to anyplace that feels Sacred
Go for a walk in Nature
Find Poetry that communicates how you feel
Write Poetry that communicates how you feel
Read what Inspires you
Look at Photographs of Nature
Work on “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron
Creative Visualization
Go where people are focused on what has meaning to you
Soothe yourself
Honor yourself and your instrument
Give Love to someone
Help someone (get the focus off you for a while)
Avoid isolating, make connections and maintain them
Love yourself
Create healthy boundaries
Watch a great movie
Listen to great music
Take a dance class
Be creative in any other area- draw, finger paint, write, etc.
Listen to Relaxation music


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