
Showing posts from October, 2017

Nudity and undressing in class

Since we want to truthfully create the behavior of our character in the world of the character and in a specific space and in a specific time, there may be moments where the character would undress. Katherine made this discovery in rehearsal and it was a honest discovery. The simple solution for the women in class is to wear tights and a leotard under your clothes, then you can undress and never feel like you are crossing a line you don't wish to cross. You are protected and you feel safe.  In the world I came from, there was no option for tights and a leotard. Nudity was a peer pressure-related unspoken mandate, with the teacher leading the way. This exploitative loophole is not necessary. In our class the actress, the woman is completely empowered to make decisions that are true to her and where she is at. In our class the empowerment is the point, and the freedom that comes from it.