
Showing posts from August, 2017

More Quotes on Acting

“Learning has to cost you something.   If you fail but learn something from your failure, you will grow. You don’t achieve stature unless you fail. You will only fail to learn if you do not learn from failing. Falling flat on your face will uplift you. “ Stella Adler The Art of Acting “Presenting scenes in class and receiving criticism without the pressures imposed by the final communication of a finished performance before a paying audience should help to exercise the actor’s craft through the glorious freedom to fail, the daring to try and to risk. Having to play safe stunts the growth of any artist.” Uta Hagen Respect for Acting “It doesn’t matter whether an individual piece of work in a studio is a failure or a success, because it is good or bad only in terms of your own needs, of your own development.” Lee Strasberg Lee Strasberg at the Actors Studio “Among ourselves we sometimes say that this is a place where you can fall flat on your fac...

Doing the scene in class

When we go through a scene in class, I will let the scene continue but if I see something is fundamentally off, I will stop the scene and work from the top. Once we work the first beat, if things have clarity from that point, I will let the scene continue again. I will always start from a specific beat, usually the top of the scene to get things clear. The intention is that when you rehearse next,  you  will start from that clarity and do the work of discovering how that influences the subsequent beats. If you find yourself lost or confused, you can contact me. If you want to even video your rehearsal and send it to me, I will watch it and give you notes.  This process of trying and discovering is where growth is, but if the work isn't serving the piece, the story, the characters, yourselves, then I am here to make adjustments. After class, ideally, there should be a sense of, "Ok, we got the first beat clear, let's see where that takes us."  What you feel ...