
Showing posts from June, 2017

How do you like to start your scene...

Making choices comes in many forms--super objective, scene objective, beats and actions, previous circumstances, moment before, place, relationship, and on and on. Choice making is like a musician making their own marks on the score of a piece of music. Then they play. The piece of music, the sheet music is like our script and scenes. As we start to find our own point of view, our own choices, we might hold them in our head, we might write them down, and then we play and put them in our body.  When we rehearse a scene or get up in class and do the scene (which is really a rehearsal), the choices, the life that we create can emerge before the text is spoken . How? By engaging in any of the livable choices you have made- place, relationship, moment before, etc. For example, setting up place is an opportunity to take that time and start stepping into the given circumstances and the relationship and what you are in pursuit of.  Instead of just setting up place mechanically, e...

Link: Viola Davis on how she prepares

Character Private Moment

The character private moment is a portable exercise that allows the actor to explore and create based on the super objective (overall objective) of the character. This drive is also known as the unfulfilled need of the character.  The actor can read and reread the play in order to get the character's heartbeat, their central purpose (objective) that drives them and affects every choice they ever make. The writer gives us the clues about what this central drive is, but we must find a way to not only recognize it but also to live it, but to put it in our body.  Think of a moment in your life when you were totally driven by a need. A need for love or for approval or recognition or security or control. How strong was it in your body? What choices did you make as a result of this heightened need? Need directly relates to the choices we make.  Once we are ready to try a choice for overall objective, we can get out of our analytical mind and into our body and our creativi...

Personal Private Moment

PRIVATE MOMENT “ Stanislavski observed that, in the truest performances, the actor creates the illusion that his character is alone and unobserved. He's being private in public . Lee Strasberg was particularly inspired by Stanislavski's concept of ‘public solitude,’ so much so that he developed an exercise that would prepare and accustom the actor to being private in public. Strasberg called his invention the Private Moment.” --Susan Batson The Private Moment When we are in public, we have to put on a mask or cover when we deal with people. Otherwise they would see all of our true feelings. It is only when we are alone that we allow ourselves to take off the mask. In this exercise, we work to create a place where we are most private. T his means bringing in items that help you to create the place so that your belief system can work there. We also work to create the sense of privacy there. As the actor, you want to choose three activities that are very private, that y...

Tell Me Who You Are exercise

Tell Me Who You Are is an exercise from Sandra Seacat. I started training with her when I was 13. She was already coaching Jessica Lange and Mickey Rourke at the time. Sandra is very gentle and spiritual, as I have mentioned in class.  Tell Me Who You Are is there to help the actors find a way out of their head, particularly out of the rational and logical and analytical part of the brain (left brain) and into the heart, the creative, the place of the actor's truth. This exercise is also a way to drop out of the head and into impulse . Acting relies on our truthful impulses, but first we need a way out of our self-protective mind and all its controlling tricks.   The question is "Tell me who you are?" and for the sake of clarity and simplicity, this is the only question we will ask, without changing it in any way. The reliability and consistency of returning to this question allows the actor answering to know that this exercise is not chaos, it is not full of tricks,...

Quotes 6/12/17

"Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again." ~ Vincent Van Gogh "If you get up one more time than you fall you will make it through." ~ Chinese Proverb "It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up." ~Vince Lombardi "There’s nothing in this world that comes easy. There are a lot of people who aren’t going to bother to win. We learn in football to get up and go once more." ~ Woody Hayes "You have to have a dream so you can get up in the morning." ~ Billy Wilder "We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us."  ~Joseph Campbell “You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you...